September 28th


Neverending StorY STORm


An all Night party.

super banger.

edm mega party.

lounge fest.



the best party of all time?

That's the goal. Whether I can do it is yet to be seen.
I'll tell you this much, I'm fucking trying hard.

Just come. Then you can decide for yourself.

What's a narrative driven rave?

A party with a story. Context. Inspiration.

Mostly, it's a regular party, but you can expect some storytelling too. (In a ravey way).


The world of Fantasia is being devoured by a terrible force called The Nothing. It's making Fantasia simply... disappear. Our job is to stop it.

The sword of Destiny resides in the last place The Nothing has not already taken. It's been there since the dawn of time, and still no one knows how to claim it.

Will The Nothing take us? Can we save ourselves? Will a hero come and save us? Can the Sword of Destiny actually be claimed?

All this becomes clear the night of the 28th.

THE Characters

• Secret Character 1
• Secret Character 2
• Secret Character 3
•Sword of Destiny
• Moon Goddess
• Forest Goddess
• The Gnome
• The Fortune Teller
• The Fantasians (That's you)

A letter from the empress

My dear reader,  

I reach out to you in my darkest hour of need.

The Nothing is upon us, and it threatens to erase Fantasia from this world forever. Even now, the stars darken and the air grows cold.
Fantasia is a wondrous, magical place - born of the imaginations of humans in the real world, but it is slowly being erased by a force known as The Nothing, the result of human apathy, cynicism, and denial of childish dreams.  

The battle for Fantasia happens the night of September 28th. I implore you with all the light I have remaining, join us in our last stand before the Nothing finishes its sinister work.  

May hope and love prevail,

The Childlike Empress
(Kim and Al)

Sliding Scale Donations

(suggested donation $60)

It's not a requirement! We'd love to see you, so consider it a sliding scale. If you can't make a donation right now, come anyway! There's good times to be had.

The funds will be spent building the venue and paying talent. Lights, lasers, smoke, sound, decor, performers, torches, security, lounges, art, building materials, and more.

You can offer your donation on-site, day of, or you can donate in advance via the link below.



Arrival Times (IMPORTANT)
What is Alkimmy?
Where is the party?
Start and End Time
Invite only
Notes on Consent
Camping Info
Is Alkimmy providing food and drink?
What should I wear?
Who are the DJs?
What's Fantasia? The Nothing? The Wolf?
Confront the Wolf?